Youth Leadership Symposium
The Future of Fellowship
By Morgan Savage & Paige Phillips
Corona Del Mar Community Church
Corona Del Mar, CA
“By helping with the fellowship, this project gave me the chance to meet and connect with a lot of individuals within my church, which was a positive for me.”
Overview: Morgan and Paige saw that their small church no longer had anyone who could move the heavy tables and chairs from one level to the next to set up for their fellowship time on Sunday mornings. They took on the challenge of acquiring lightweight alternatives, got creative on the funding, and brought some fresh energy to their Church family.
In Reflection: “This project gave me the opportunity to share ideas that I am passionate about with people in my church who were able to help me put my ideas into action, something that not every 18 year old has the opportunity to experience. Overall, this project has taught me so much about leadership, connection, budgeting, and planning and I am so glad to have had the opportunity to take part in it. “ - Morgan
More Details: Morgan and Paige took on the task of setting up tables and chairs, which the Church was having to pay someone to do. They donated the money back to the Church to pay for the tables and chairs. Along the way, they learned how long some things can take in the Church and how important their voices could be if they were willing to lead. Both Paige and Morgan found greater confidence in public speaking and renewed their commitment to the relationships that make their church home so special.