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Exterior Upgrades

By Sam Dolan

First Christian Church and First United Church of Christ
Findlay, OH
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“I feel called to lead more from the background. YLS has helped me learn to work with others and achieve more together.” - Sam

Overview: Sam started out with a vision for a pollinator garden at the Church but saw other issues while he was working and soon expanded his project to include tuck pointing (replacing and patching mortar between bricks) part of the building. 


In Reflection: When I was little, our Church grounds used to have a beaver we all called “Chewie.” As a high schooler in AP Environmental science, I learned about keystone species and realized that our church grounds being so overgrown was a clear sign that Chewie was gone. Our building was designed so you could look out the widows of the sanctuary and see the rolling hills. I wanted to do something to repair the damage to our environment and bring back the beautiful view. 


More Details: Sam's home church rents the building of another congregation. Since his project was focused on the physical church building, he had to work with both communities. This included navigating two church boards. His original vision was discussed and negotiated into the final project he completed, but that was really just the beginning. After this work as done, gutters, tree trimming, and more followed as Sam's service inspired more improvements and acts of service.  When Sam is not helping outside, he can often be found playing piano (and learning to play organ) for his church's worship services. 

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